ISG Faculty, Nicholas Shapiro and Bharat Venkat, co-author an opinon piece for the LA Times: “California will finally have indoor heat standards for workplaces — with a cruel exception”. Excerpt: “A state board recently voted unanimously to create long-awaited indoor heat standards for California workers. After a final legal review, that will mean protections for millions of people with jobs…

Image by Alexandria Zoo Congratulations to ISG Faculty member Jessica Lynch for her collaboration on a research study about sexual selection in tiny Brazilian squirrel monkeys. Lynch worked with lead research team at the California Lutheran University, which includes Principal Investigator and biologist, Anita Stone, and her exceptional undergraduate students. Lynch’s collaborative research was made possible through a generous grant…
UCLA Institute for Society and Genetics would like to congratulate its very own faculty member, Dr. Wayne Grody for being awarded this year as a 2018 fellow of the American Association for Advancement of Science (AAAS). Dr. Grody is a Professor of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine; Pediatrics; and Human Genetics at the UCLA School of Medicine, and at the UCLA…
On Wednesday, November 28, 2018, the Biotechnology and Society Freshman Cluster course hosted Dr. Josiah Zayner as part of its DIY Biology Lecture series (co-hosted by the Institute for Society and Genetics and the UCLA Cluster Program). Dr. Zayner shared his insights on biohacking, human genome editing, and public participation in science with UCLA students, faculty and the community at…
Written by Dina Fine Maron for National Geographic. [Excerpt] “Their goal is to uncover more information about how these animals move, eat, and what their genomes look like. Long hopes to detail how elephants without the benefit of tusks as tools may alter their behavior to get access to nutrients. Rob Pringle, at Princeton University, plans to look at dung…
Written by Mary Emily O’Hara for [Excerpt]: “In plain English, the federal government is proposing reclassifying transgender people’s legal sex back to the sex assigned at birth. And if that sex at birth was listed wrong or left unclear, the government wants to put people through genetic testing to ensure a sort of “gender purity,” as it were. The…