We are very pleased to announce that UCLA Postdoctoral Scholars Drs. Jennifer Smith and Lindsay Smith have each been awarded funds by the UCLA Diversity Program for Innovative Courses in Undergraduate Education. Each of them will receive $10,000 toward the direct costs associated with their selected course, with any remaining balance awarded as a researched stipend. Dr. Jennifer Smith was…
ISG’s new majors in Human Biology and Society were recently featured in the Daily Bruin: Planned human biology and society major straddles the divide between North and South Campus
ISG Director, Dr. Eric Vilain, has been named as the 2011 recipient of the prestigious Mead Johnson Award for outstanding achievements in Pediatrics. Given since 1939, the award, which honors outstanding scientific achievement in pediatrics, includes a $15,000 honorarium, a plaque, and travel expenses to enable the recipient to present a review of research accomplishments at the 2011 Pediatric Academic…
UCLA Today discussed our annual symposium in an article titled, An Evolutionary Tale About Dogs And Humans. Full story here [excerpt] A study of the evolution of dogs has opened new and unparalleled doorways to understanding how genes and the genome produce diversity. Held Feb. 25-26, the two-day public symposium, “Made for Each Other? Dog and Human Co-evolution,” brought together…
ISG postdoc Sharlene Santana recently published, as first author, “The Better To Eat You With: Functional Correlates Of Tooth Structure In Bats” in the journal, Functional Ecology. Summary: 1. Mammalian dental morphology and function are strongly linked to diet. Within mammals, phyllostomid bats are the most diverse family in terms of dietary ecology and thus represent a unique opportunity in…
ISG postdoc Jennifer Smith, was recently published in Animal Behavior as first author on a paper entitled, “Greetings Promote Cooperation And Reinforce Social Bonds Among Spotted Hyaenas“. Congrats, Jenn! Societies characterized by fission–fusion dynamics consist of subgroups that frequently change in size and composition. Although this flexible lifestyle permits individuals to reduce conflicts of interest, it simultaneously imposes a unique…