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Study Confirms a Gene Linked to Asperger Syndrome and Empathy.

A study to be published later this month in the journal Molecular Autism confirms previous research that people with Asperger Syndrome (AS) are more likely to carry specific variations in a particular gene. More strikingly, the study supports existing findings that the same gene is also linked to how much empathy typically shown by individuals in the general population.  The research was…

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2013 | Christina Palmer, – Using a social marketing framework to evaluate recruitment of a prospective study of genetic counseling and testing for the deaf community.

ISG faculty, Christina Palmer and Janet Sinsheimer, along with ISG associate, Patrick Boudreault, and their colleagues, have published a paper titled “Using a social marketing framework to evaluate recruitment of a prospective study of genetic counseling and testing for the deaf community” in BMC Medical Research Methodology. ABSTRACT: Background Recruiting deaf and hard-of-hearing participants, particularly sign language-users, for genetics health service research…

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