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Chimps That Hunt Offer a New View on Evolution

Studies of hunters and gatherers — and of chimpanzees, which are often used as stand-ins for human ancestors — have cast bigger, faster and more powerful males in the hunter role. Now, a 10-year study of chimpanzees in Senegal shows females playing an unexpectedly big role in hunting and males, surprisingly, letting smaller and weaker hunters keep their prey. The results do…

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2015 | Hannah Landecker & Aaron Panofsky – Commentaries and Reflections on "Inheritance of Acquired Epigenetic Variations"

A special section of commentaries and reflections on epigenetic inheritance has been published in the International Journal of Epidemiology, centered on the reprint of the 1989 article  “Inheritance of Acquired Epigenetic Variations” by Eva Jablonka and Marion Lamb.  ISG faculty members Aaron Panofsky and Hannah Landecker both contributed invited commentaries to the issue, which is now available in advance online…

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Why Iceland Is the World’s Greatest Genetic Laboratory

Today, the journal Nature Genetics released a set of four papers based entirely on the genetic sequences of Icelanders. Their results, which range from the identification of a new Alzheimer’s-associated gene to the age of the most recent male ancestor shared by all humans, are part of a long history of genetic discoveries from deCODE, a company that has been…

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Williams Institute at UCLA Launches First-Of-Its-Kind Study of U.S. Transgender Population

Researchers at the Williams Institute at UCLA School of Law, Columbia University and The Fenway Institute at Fenway Health are launching a first-of-its-kind study of the transgender population in the United States that they expect will create a more accurate and detailed picture of the issues faced by transgender individuals. The study, which is being led by Ilan Meyer, Williams…

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Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals can Adversely Affect Reproduction of Future Generations of Fish

Bisphenol A (BPA) is a chemical that is used in a variety of consumer products, such as water bottles, dental composites and resins used to line metal food and beverage containers. Often, aquatic environments such as rivers and streams become reservoirs for contaminants, including BPA. Now, University of Missouri researchers and U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) scientists have determined that fish…

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