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Finding the Brain's Generosity Centre

Scientists from Oxford University and UCL have identified part of our brain that helps us learn to be good to others. The discovery could help understanding of conditions like psychopathy where people’s behaviour is extremely antisocial. The researchers were led by Dr Patricia Lockwood, who explained: ‘Prosocial behaviours are social behaviours that benefit other people. They are a fundamental aspect…

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Where There's Smoke And A Mutation There May Be An Evolutionary Edge For Humans

A genetic mutation may have helped modern humans adapt to smoke exposure from fires and perhaps sparked an evolutionary advantage over their archaic competitors, including Neandertals, according to a team of researchers. Modern humans are the only primates that carry this genetic mutation that potentially increased tolerance to toxic materials produced by fires for cooking, protection and heating, said Gary…

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2016 | Patrick Allard, et al – Exposure to the BPA-Substitute Bisphenol S Causes Unique Alterations of Germline Function

ISG faculty, Patrick Allard, and two Human Biology & Society students, among others, have published a paper entitled “Exposure to the BPA-Substitute Bisphenol S Causes Unique Alterations of Germline Function,” with PLOS Genetics, 2016. ABSTRACT: Concerns about the safety of Bisphenol A, a chemical found in plastics, receipts, food packaging and more, have led to its replacement with substitutes now…

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