The DIY Biology Lecture series is ending with Founder of Four Thieves Vinegar Collective, Dr. Michael Laufer, who will give a guest lecture on Friday, Dec. 7, from 10AM-11:30AM, in Northwest Auditorium.
Dr. Michael Laufer has a PhD in mathematics and physics from the City University of New York, and is a professor of mathematics at Menlo College. He is one of the founders of the 4 Thieves Vinegar Collective ( a biohacking group that provides instructions for synthesizing DIY pharmaceuticals. Most notably, the site published instructions for creating a “DIY Epi-Pencil” when Mylan, the pharmaceutical company that produces EpiPens, was under intense scrutiny for hiking prices on this life-saving drug. Dr. Laufer will be giving a special guest lecture on Friday, Dec. 7 (10AM) with a reception afterwards, in which he will address issues of access, risk in producing DIY pharmaceuticals, and the broader ethics of this work.
Any Questions? Please contact Michelle Rensel at