Dr. Josiah Zayner has a PhD in biophysics from the University of Chicago. Dr. Zayner worked at NASA for several years before leaving to start a company (http://www.the-odin.com/) that sells DIY biology kits, including kits that utilize CRISPR gene editing technology, to the public. In addition to this business, Dr. Zayner is a well-known biohacker who has conducted several self-experiments, including a microbiome transplant and CRISPR self-injections. Dr. Zayner will speak about his broader goals in DIY science, including his perspective on risk-taking in biohacking and the overall ethos of the biohacking community. We welcome your attendance at Dr. Zayner’s lecture in our course on Wednesday, Nov. 28, from 12:30-1:45 (DeNeve P350), followed by a reception in the De Neve Quad.