ISG Assistant Professor Aaron Panofsky’s research was recently discussed as part of an article in Science Careers. The article explores how disease researchers can reach out to patients by building a relationship with a patient advocacy group.
Congratulations to ISG Associate Professor Hannah Landecker on receiving a prestigious American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) fellowship. She was one of 65 recipients out of 1191 applicants. About ACLS: The mission of the American Council of Learned Societies is “the advancement of humanistic studies in all fields of learning in the humanities and the social sciences and the maintenance and strengthening…
ISG Associate Director, Dr. Jessica Lynch Alfaro, was interviewed by the NY Times about her recently published article on capuchin monkey anointing– or fur rubbing– as part of a science story on chemical defense in mammals. The science story, “Warm and Furry, but They Pack a Toxic Punch” appeared on the NY Times website on January 30, 2012 and in the printed…
The UCLA Institute for Society and Genetics held its Fall Retreat this past September. During the event, ISG Staff, Faculty, and Fellows presented on the direction of the Institute, their roles at the Institute, and their ongoing research. It was an opportunity to become reacquainted with one another, updated on the goings-on at ISG, and be introduced to the new…
ISG Postdoctoral Fellow Jennifer Smith has been named an AAUW Postdoctoral Fellow for 2011-2012. All of us at the Institute congratulate her, and know that her research will advance her field! [excerpt from press, full press here] AAUW American Fellowships are awarded to highly qualified women scholars completing doctoral dissertations, conducting postdoctoral research, or finishing research for publication. Since 1881, AAUW…
A 15-year-old AIDS problem was recently solved in just three weeks using a new online game site that allows users to contribute in decoding complex proteins. users incredibly modeled the enzyme, Mason-Pfizer monkey virus (M-PMV) retroviral protease, in a manner that matched crystalline structures observed by scientists. was conceived and designed by University of Washington researchers Seth Cooper,…