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2012 | Sharlene Santana – Adaptive Evolution of Facial Colour Patterns

ISG postdoc Dr. Sharlene Santana, in collaboration with ISG Associate Director Dr. Jessica Lynch Alfaro and ISG Associate Dr. Michael Alfaro, has published a new paper entitled “Adaptive evolution of facial colour patterns in Neotropical primates“. Abstract The rich diversity of primate faces has interested naturalists for over a century. Researchers have long proposed that social behaviours have shaped the evolution…

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2011 | Aaron L. Panofsky – Field Analysis and Interdisciplinary Science

ISG Assistant Professor Dr. Aaron L. Panofsky has published new paper entitled “Field Analysis and Interdisciplinary Science: Scientific Capital Exchange in Behavior Genetics“. Abstract: This paper uses Pierre Bourdieu’s field theory to develop tools for analyzing interdisciplinary scientific fields. Interdisciplinary fields are scientific spaces where no single form of scientific capital has a monopoly and therefore multiple forms of scientific capital constitute…

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Mark Leach: My Daughter's Paradoxical Genes

Mark Leach, J.D., published an article called “My Daughter’s Paradoxical Genes” detailing the seemingly paradoxical case of the ethical considerations arising from his daughter Juliet’s genes. Specifically, he examines the moral paradox of medical guidelines for Juliet’s two genetic conditions of Trisomy 21 and Double X: for one, prenatal testing is considered an ethical obligation and for the other prenatal…

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ISG Fall Retreat 2011

The UCLA Institute for Society and Genetics held its Fall Retreat this past September. During the event, ISG Staff, Faculty, and Fellows presented on the direction of the Institute, their roles at the Institute, and their ongoing research. It was an opportunity to become reacquainted with one another, updated on the goings-on at ISG, and be introduced to the new…

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