Jessica Lynch


(310) 206-1889

Life Sciences Building 3317


Ph.D.,  Anthropology, University of Wisconsin, Madison
M.S.,  Anthropology, University of Wisconsin, Madison
B.A.,  English, University of California, Davis


Dr. Jessica Lynch is a Professor at ISG.  She is a member of the IUCN Primate Specialist Group and Editor-In-Chief for the journal “Neotropical Primates”, a publication of Conservation International.

Lynch is a biological anthropologist whose research centers on the evolution of behavioral and morphological diversity in Neotropical primates. Her research focuses most strongly on understanding the diversity within capuchin monkeys (Sapajus and Cebus), and incorporates phylogenomic and biogeographic analyses. Like humans, capuchins are a recent and successful radiation of weedy generalists, able to survive even in marginal habitats through extractive foraging and tool use. Populations of capuchin monkeys in the wild differ markedly from one another in social and sexual behaviors and in grouping patterns, and thus provide an excellent system for comparative study of both cultural and genetic variation.

Currently Lynch is studying mate choice, immigration and MHC genes in wild Cebus capucinus in collaboration with Katharine Jack (Tulane University), and genomic evolution in robust capuchins (Sapajus) with Patrícia Izar (University of Sāo Paulo).  Her research is funded by FAPESP and the Louisiana Board of Regents.


Finnegan, N., Lima, M.G.M. and Lynch, J.W. (2025). Mitochondrial DNA for phylogeny building: assessing individual and grouped mtGenes as proxies for the mtGenome in platyrrhines. American Journal of Primatology 87: e70017.

Medeiros, P.S., Heming, N.M., Lynch J.W., and Martins, W.P. (2025), Range Extension for Critically Endangered Sapajus xanthosternos, with Observations of Stone Tool Use at the Lower Limit of Habitat Suitability. International Journal of Primatology.

Mainette, R.D., Lynch, J.W.,Izar, P., Canale, G. and Martins, W.P. (2025), Characterization of Stone Tool Use in Wild Groups of Critically Endangered Yellow-Breasted Capuchin Monkeys (Sapajus xanthosternos). American Journal of Biological Anthropology.

Gutierres, J.S., Pereira, F.S.M., Lynch, J.W. and Vidotto Magnoni, A.P. (2025), Stone Tool Use by Black-Horned Capuchin Monkeys (Sapajus nigritus cucullatus) in an Urban Park in Londrina, Brazil. American Journal of Primatology, 87: e23704.

Delval I, Araujo G, Lynch J. (2025) Capuchins. In: Encyclopedia of Sexual Psychology and Behavior. Shackelford TE (editor). Springer Nature.

Rylands AB, Mittermeier RA, Lynch JW, Jerusalinsky L, Strier KB, Cortés-Ortiz L, Link A, de la Torre S, de Melo FR, Canale GR, Boubli JP, Cornejo FM, Seacrest W. (2024) Neotropical primates. Lynx Illustrated Checklists. Lynx Nature Books in association with Re:wild.

Spironello WR, Barnett AA, Lynch JW, Bobrowiec PED, Boyle SA. (2024) (Editors). Amazonian Mammals: Current Knowledge and Conservation Priorities. Springer, Cham.

Szynwelski BE, Mares‐Guia MAMM, Filippis AMB, Gonçalves GL, Tokuda M, Wagner PGC, Wu S, Oliveira VP, Lima MGM, Lynch JW, Freitas TRO. (2023) Phylogeography, genetic diversity, and intraspecific genetic structure of the black‐horned capuchin (Sapajus nigritus). American Journal of Primatology e23566.

Helman SK, Tokuyama AFN, Mummah RO, Stone NE, Gamble MW, Snedden CE, Borremans B, Gomez ACR, Cox C, Nussbaum J, Tweedt I, Haake DA, Galloway RL, Monzón J, Riley SPD, Sikich JA, Brown J, Friscia A, Sahl JW, Wagner DM, Lynch JW, Prager KC, Lloyd-Smith JO. (2023) Pathogenic Leptospira are widespread in the urban wildlife of southern California. Scientific Reports 13(1): 14368.  

Friscia AR, Helman S, Maloney M, Molina-Echavarria AK, Nugen S, Punjabi N, Tweedt I, Lynch JW. (2023) Live-trapping rodents in urban green spaces across Los Angeles. Bulletin of the Southern Academy of Sciences 122(2): 122-130.

Bezanson, M., Cortés-Ortiz, L., Bicca-Marques, J.C. Boonratana, R, Carvalho, S., Cords, M., de la Torre, S., Hobaiter, C., Humle, T., Izar, P., Lynch, J. W., Matsuzawa, T., Setchell, J. M., Zikusoka, G. K., and Strier, K. B. 2023. News and Perspectives: Words matter in primatology. Primates (2023). Direct Link to PDF

França, E. A., dos Santos Machado Pereira, F., Lorenzo, M. P., Lynch, J. W., Orsi, M. L., & Vidotto-Magnoni, A. P. (2023). Same-sex and immature sexual behaviour repertoire in a wild group of robust capuchin monkeys, Folia Primatologica (published online ahead of print 2023). doi: . Direct link to PDF

Martins AB, Valença-Montenegro MM, Lima MGM, Lynch JW, Svoboda WK, Silva-Júnior JdSe, Röhe F, Boubli JP, Fiore AD. A New Assessment of Robust Capuchin Monkey (Sapajus) Evolutionary History Using Genome-Wide SNP Marker Data and a Bayesian Approach to Species Delimitation. Genes. 2023; 14(5):970.

Steinberg, D. L., Lynch, J. W., & Cartmill, E. A. (2022). A robust tool kit: First report of tool use in captive crested capuchin monkeys (Sapajus robustus). American Journal of Primatology, 84, e23428. Direct link to PDF

Byrne H, Webster TH, Brosnan SF, Izar P, Lynch JW. (2022). Signatures of adaptive evolution in platyrrhine primate genomes. PNAS 119(35) e2116681119 Direct Link to PDF

Martins, W. P., Izar, P., Araujo, W. S., Rodrigues, F. H., & Lynch, J. W. (2022). Diet, activity patterns, and home range use in forest and cultivated areas for one wild group of endangered crested capuchin monkeys (Sapajus robustus) in Reserva Natural Vale, Espírito Santo, Brazil. American Journal of Primatology, e23413. Direct Link to PDF

Buckner JC, Jack KM, Melin AD, Schoof VAM, Gutiérrez-Espeleta GA, Lima MGM, Lynch JW. (2021) Major histocompatibility complex class II DR and DQ evolution and variation in wild capuchin monkey species (Cebinae). PLoS ONE 16(8): e0254604.

Schulte M, Gutiérrez-Espeleta G, Lynch JW. (2020)  Human-monkey interaction dynamics and their dietary impacts on Central American white-faced capuchins (Cebus imitator) at Manuel Antonio National Park, Costa Rica. Neotropical Primates 26(1): 1-9.

Lima MGM, Silva-Júnior JS, Cerny D, Buckner JC, Aleixo A, Cheng J, Zheng D, Alfaro ME, Martins A, Di Fiore A, Boubli JP, Lynch Alfaro JW. (2018) A phylogenomic perspective on the robust capuchin monkey (Sapajus) radiation: First evidence for extensive population admixture across South America. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 124: 137-150.

Byrne H, Lynch Alfaro JW, Sampaio I, Farias I, Schneider H, Hrbek T. (2018) Titi monkey biogeography: Parallel Pleistocene spread by Plecturocebus and Cheracebus into a post-Pebas Western AmazonZoologica Scripta, 00, 1–19. DOI: 10.1111/zsc.12300

Martins WP, Lynch Alfaro J, Rylands AB. (2017) Reduced range of the endangered crested capuchin monkey (Sapajus robustus) and a possible hybrid zone with Sapajus nigritus. American Journal of Primatology DOI: 10.1002/ajp.22696

Vasconcelos FTGR, Hauzman E, Henriques LD, Goulart PRK, Galvão OF, Sano RY, Souza GS, Lynch Alfaro J, Silveira LCL, Ventura DF, Bonci DMO. (2017) A novel nonsense mutation in the tyrosinase gene is related to the albinism in a capuchin monkey (Sapajus apella)BMC Genetics 18: 39.

Rylands AB, Heymann EW, Lynch Alfaro J, Buckner JC, Roos C, Matauschek C, Boubli JP, Sampaio R, Mittermeier RA. (2016) Taxonomic review of the New World tamarins (Primates: Callitrichidae)Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society DOI: 10.1111/zoj.12386 (early view)

Lucarelli M, Visalberghi E, Adriani W, Addessi E, Pierandrei S, Manciocco A, Zoratto F, Tamellini A, Vitale A, Laviola G, Lynch Alfaro J, Pascale E. (2017) Polymorphism of the 3’-UTR of the dopamine transporter gene (DAT) in New World monkeysPrimates 58: 169-178.

Lima M, Buckner JC, Martins A, Boubli JP, Link A, Farias IP, da Silva MN, Röhe F, Sousa e Silva Júnior J, Guitierrez-Espeleta G, Aleixo A, Quieroz H, Chiou K, Janson C, Di Fiore A, Alfaro ME, Lynch Alfaro JW. (2017) Capuchin monkey biogeography: understanding Sapajus Pleistocene range expansion and the current sympatry between Cebus and Sapajus.  Journal of Biogeography 44: 810-820.

Lynch Alfaro J. The Monkeying of the Americas: Primate Biogeography in the Neotropics. (2017) Annual Review of Anthropology 46: 317-336. Supplemental Material: Annu. Rev. Anthropol.  46:317-36.

Byrne H, Rylands AB, Carneiro JC, Alfaro JWL, Bertuol B, Silva MNF, Messias M, Groves CP, Mittermeier RA, Farias I, Hrbek T, Schneider H, Sampaio I, Boubli JP. (2016)  Phylogenetic relationships of the New World titi monkeys (Callicebus): First appraisal of taxonomy based on molecular evidence.  Frontiers in Zoology 13: 1-25.

Lynch Alfaro JW, Cortes-Ortiz L, Di Fiore A, Boubli JP.  (2015) Special Issue: Comparative Biogeography of Neotropical Primates. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 82: 518-529.

Lynch Alfaro JW, Boubli JP, Paim FP, Ribas CC, Nazareth M, Messias M, Rohe F, Merces MP, Silva Junior JS, Silva CR, Pinho GM, Koshkarian G, Nguyen MTT, Harada ML, Rabelo RM, Queiroz HL, Alfaro ME, Farias IP. (2015) Biogeography of squirrel monkeys (genus Saimiri):  south-central Amazon origin and rapid pan-Amazonian diversification of a lowland primate.  Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 82: 436-454.

Mercês MP, Lynch Alfaro JW, Ferreira WAS, Harada ML, Silva Júnior JS. (2015)  Morphology and mitochondrial phylogenetics reveal the Amazon River separates two eastern squirrel monkey species: Saimiri sciureus and S. collinsi. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 82: 426-435.

Boubli JP, Ribas C, Lynch Alfaro JW, Alfaro ME, Silva MN, Pinho GM, Farias IP.  (2015)  Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Diversification on the Amazon: A Test of the Riverine Hypothesis for all Diurnal Primates of Rio Negro and Rio Branco in Brazil. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution  82: 400-412.

Wright KA, Wright BW, Ford SM, Fragaszy D, Izar P, Norconk M, Masterson T, Hobbs, DG, Alfaro ME, Lynch Alfaro JW. (2015)  The effects of ecology and evolutionary history on robust capuchin morphological diversity. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 82: 455-466.

Buckner JC, Lynch Alfaro J, Rylands AB, Alfaro ME. (2014) Biogeography of the marmosets and tamarins (Callitrichidae). Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 82: 413-425.

Lynch Alfaro JW, Oliveira SG, Veiga LM. (2014) Activity Budget, Diet, and Habitat Use in the Critically Endangered Ka’apor Capuchin Monkey (Cebus kaapori) in Pará State, Brazil: A Preliminary Comparison to Other Capuchin Monkeys American Journal of Primatology 10.1002/ajp.22277

Lynch Alfaro JW,  Izar P, Ferreira RG. (2014) Capuchin Monkey Research Priorities and Urgent Issues American Journal of Primatology 10.1002/ajp.22269

Santana SE, Lynch Alfaro J, Noonan A, Alfaro ME. (2013)  Adaptive response to social and ecological pressures drives the diversification of facial color patterns in catarrhinesNature Communications 4:2765.

Lynch Alfaro JW, Boubli JP, Olson LE, DiFiore A, Wilson B, Gutierrez-Espeleta GA, Chiou KL, Schulte M, Neitzel S, Ross V, Schwochow D, Farias I, Nguyen MTT, Janson CH, & Alfaro ME. (2012) Explosive Pleistocene range expansion leads to widespread Amazonian sympatry between robust and gracile capuchin monkeys.  Journal of Biogeography 39, 272-288.

Lynch Alfaro JW, Matthews L., Boyette AH, Macfarlan S J, Phillips KA, Falotico T, Ottoni E, Verderane M, Izar P, Schulte M, Melin A, Fedigan L, Janson C and Alfaro ME. (2012) Anointing variation across wild capuchin populations:  a review of material preferences, bout frequency and sociality of anointing in Cebus and Sapajus.  American Journal of Primatology 74: 299-314

Lynch Alfaro JW, Silva Jr J de S e,  Rylands AB.  (2012) How different are robust and gracile capuchin monkeys?  An argument for the use of Sapajus and Cebus. American Journal of Primatology 74: 273-286

Santana S, Lynch Alfaro JW, Alfaro ME.  (2012) Adaptive evolution of facial colour pattterns in primates.  Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. doi:10.1098/rspb.2011.2326

Boubli JP, Rylands AB,  Farias IP, Alfaro ME, Lynch Alfaro JW. (2012) Cebus Phylogenetic Relationships: A Preliminary Reassessment of the Diversity of the Untufted Capuchin Monkeys. American Journal of Primatology 74: 381-394.

Chiou, K. L., Pozzi, L., Lynch Alfaro, J. W., and Di Fiore, A. (2011) Pleistocene diversification of living squirrel monkeys (Saimiri spp.) inferred from complete mitochondrial genome sequences. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 59, 736-745.

Rangel-Negrin, A, Alfaro, J. L., Valdez, R. A., Romano, M. C., and Serio-Silva, J. C.  (2009) Stress in Yucatan spider monkeys: effects of environmental conditions on fecal cortisol levels in wild and captive populations. Animal Conservation 12 (5): 496-502.

Lynch Alfaro, J. W. (2008)  Scream-Embrace displays in wild black-horned capuchin monkeys. American Journal of Primatology 70(6): 551-559.

Lynch Alfaro, J. W. (2007)  Subgrouping patterns in a group of wild Cebus apella nigritus. International Journal of Primatology 28(2): 271-289.

Serio-Silva, J. C., Lynch Alfaro, J. W., Hernandez Salazar, L.T. (2007) ECOLOGY AND BEHAVIOR OF TROPICAL PRIMATES, inInternational Commission on Tropical Biology and Natural Resources, [Eds. Kleber Del Claro et al.], in Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Developed under the Auspices of the UNESCO, Eolss Publishers, Oxford ,UK, [].

Lynch Alfaro, J. W. (2005)  Male mating strategies and reproductive constraints in a group of wild tufted capuchin monkeys, Cebus apella nigritus. American Journal of Primatology 67(3): 313-328.

Altmann, J., Lynch, J.W., Nguyen, N., Alberts, S.C. and Gesquiere, L.R. (2004) Life-history correlates of steroid concentrations in wild peripartum baboons.  American Journal of Primatology 64: 95-106.

Lynch, J.W., Altmann, J., Njahira, M.N., Rubenstein, N. (2003) Concentrations of four fecal steroids in wild baboons: short-term storage conditions and consequences for data interpretation.  General and Comparative Endocrinology 132: 264-271.

Strier, K.B., Lynch, J.W., and Ziegler, T.E.  (2003) Hormonal changes during the mating and conception seasons of wild northern muriquis (Brachyteles arachnoides hypoxanthus).  American Journal of Primatology 61: 85-99.

Lynch, J.W., Ziegler, T.E., and Strier, K.B.  (2002) Individual and seasonal variation in fecal testosterone and cortisol in wild male tufted capuchin monkeys, Cebus apella nigritus.  Hormones and Behavior 41: 275.

Pleistocene diversification of living squirrel monkeys

Research Projects
Biological And Cultural Evolution In Neotropical Primates