Nadine Levin is a NSF Postdoctoral Fellow at the Institute for Society and Genetics at UCLA, working on a two-year project called “What is metabolism after big data?” The project explores how the rise of data, bioinformatics, and statistics is impacting how researchers think about metabolism, and develop metabolic diagnostics and therapies. You can read more about it here.
Previously, Nadine worked at the University of Exeter on two 9-month projects. The first, with Dr Sabina Leonelli, examined the concepts and practical implications of “openness” (for papers and data) in biology, and the second, with Prof Charlotte Waelde, examined how the digital era is affecting intellectual property rights in the arts and humanities.
After being awarded a Rhodes Scholarship in 2008, Nadine completed her DPhil in 2013 at the University of Oxford in Social Anthropology: Nadine’s dissertation focused on the practices and challenges surrounding the production, analysis, and use of multivariate statistics, and how this is used to make sense of the complexity, dynamic nature, and normativity of metabolism, biology, and health (focusing on a field called “metabolomics”). I also completed my undergraduate degree in the biological sciences, during which I worked for four years in an immunology laboratory, at the University of Chicago.