Barbara Herman

1976  Ph.D., Harvard University

Barbara Herman is a professor of philosophy and law and holds the Gloria and Paul Griffin Chair of Philosophy. Herman’s research focuses on ethics and social philosophy and involves the systematic study of the way we should treat others. Through her research she asks: What is the nature of moral judgment? Can universal principles be applied to ethical behavior? Where do moral philosophy and political philosophy intersect?

She is the author of two books, “Moral Literacy” (2007) and “The Practice of Moral Judgement” (1993) both published by Harvard University Press.


Selected Publications:

“A Mismatch of Methods,” in Derek Parfit’s On What Matters, Volume II, ed. Samuel Scheffler, Oxford University Press, 2011.

“The Difference that Ends Make,” in Perfecting Virtue: Kantian Ethics and Virtue Ethics, ed. Julian Wuerth, Cambridge University Press, 2010.

“Morality and Moral Theory,” John Dewey Lecture, Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association, Vol. 83, No. 2, November 2009.

“A Habitat for Humanity,” in Kant’s Idea for A Universal History, eds. A. O Rorty and J. Schmidt, Cambridge University Press, 2009

“A Cosmopolitan Kingdom of Ends,” in Reclaiming the History of Ethics, eds. A. Reath, C. Korsgaard, & B. Herman (Cambridge University Press, 1997).

“Making Room for Character,” in Aristotle, Kant, and the Stoics, eds. S. Engstrom & J. Whiting, (Cambridge University Press, 1996).

“Could It Be Worth Thinking About Kant on Sex and Marriage?” in A Mind of One’s Own, eds. Louise Antony and Charlotte Witt, Westview Press, 1993.

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